Serious Help in Timing (WoW Addon)

Posted: Friday, May 21, 2010 | | Labels: , ,
Serious Help in Timing is an essential WoW AddOn for any level 80 Retribution Paladin. The AddOn provides a recommendation for the next ability to use in a FCFS (First-come, first-served) rotation. FCFS involves using abilities that are off cooldown rather than wait (even a second) for a certain skill to be ready. If more than one skill is off cooldown, a prioritized list is used. This is where Serious Help in Timing comes in handy. Credit goes to Lucral for finding this AddOn and recommending it to me.

Download and Setup

Serious Help in Timing is available on Curse at The addon hasn’t been updated since August 15 2009 but works perfectly fine as of patch 3.3.2. Remember to Load out of date AddOns in the AddOn menu at the character selection screen. Once the AddOn is loaded, it should display an empty darkened frame as shown below. Also, the AddOn won’t load unless you’re playing a Paladin.


Once the AddOn is loaded, you must configure a rotation priority list. Type /serioushelp to bring up the AddOn configuration screen. Expand the AddOn’s options to bring up the Spell Priorities subsection.

In this panel, you must setup a Spell Priority list. A good resource to follow is The Basic Rotation on Elitist Jerks. (
As of patch 3.3.2, Serious Help in Timing’s spell priority list should look something like this:
Basic rotation: Hammer of Wrath > Judgement > Crusader Strike > Divine Storm > Consecration > Exorcism

Tier piece set bonuses that affect rotation:
Tier 9 (2): Judgement > Hammer of Wrath > Crusader Strike > Divine Storm > Consecrate > Exorcism
Tier 9 (2) & Tier 10 (2): Judgement > Divine Storm > Hammer of Wrath > Crusader Strike > Consecrate > Exorcism
Tier 10 (4): Judgement > Divine Storm > Crusader Strike > Hammer of Wrath > Consecrate > Exorcism

Serious Help in Timing in Action

The frame contains three icons. The left icon is the cooldown for Avenging Wrath. The large middle icon displays the recommended ability to use. The right icon is the upcoming ability. Additionally, the AddOn can be setup with out of range support (red icon).

(Example of Serious Help in Timing in combat)

(Example of all abilities on cooldown)


As with all AddOns of this type, Serious Help in Timing can only provide recommendations for abilities to use. There is no interaction with the icons displayed. Additionally, it doesn’t support Holy Wrath in a FCFS rotation. Other classes may wish to have this type of functionality also but are presently out of luck as this only supports Paladins.

Overall, Serious Help in Timing is a great AddOn for Ret with extra options that are useful for both raiding and PvP.


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