Bagnon – World of Warcraft Bag Replacement AddOn

Posted: Monday, May 24, 2010 | | Labels: ,

WoWScrnShot_052410_131836World of Warcraft’s default inventory management features are limited in scope which leaves much to be desired. While many bag/inventory replacement AddOns are available, many fall short when performing the basics of an inventory replacement AddOn. I have found that Bagnon excels at the basic requirements of inventory management by providing a great all-in-one inventory bag and offering a complex but easy-to-use search feature.

Inventory Search

Search really sets this AddOn apart from the other bag/inventory AddOns. A complex search language is included for finding items in inventory.

As of version 2.13.2b search supports the following commands:

  • item name search – start typing the name of an item
  • t: item type or location (t:weapon, t:armor, t:legs, t:finger, etc)
  • q: item quality (q:epic, q:superior, etc)
  • s: equipment manager item set (s:pvp, s:pve, etc)
  • keyword search – specific keywords are supported (boe, boa, bop, and quest)
  • ! - exclude results (include to find items not matching the search term)
  • & – AND search term (search must match both statements ex. t:weapon & q:epic)
  • | – OR search term (search must match either statements ex. q:epic | q:superior)

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AddOn Configuration

A limited number of options are available for configuring the AddOn. I found the AddOn does not need any configuring out of the box to offer a great experience.WoWScrnShot_052410_131701 WoWScrnShot_052410_131703


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