Looking for Dungeon Cooldown Tracker - LFDCooldown

Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 | | Labels: ,
WoWScrnShot_052610_174824This simple AddOn tracks the time remaining on your Random Dungeon cooldown, even if you left the dungeon early. The countdown frame disappears when the cooldown is up. Right click on the countdown frame to hide it. The command /lfdcd brings up the frame back if hidden. 

Configuring / Slash Commands

  • /lfdcd : Shows the timer (if still on CD)
  • /lfdcd hide : hides the timer
  • /lfdcd reset : resets position and test time
  • /lfdcd test nn : sets a test bar to nn seconds
  • /lfdcd scale nn : scales the window to nn (0.5 = half size)
Available at http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/lfdcooldown.aspx.


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