AuctionLite (World of Warcraft Auction House Addon)

Posted: Sunday, May 23, 2010 | | Labels: , ,
AuctionLite is one of the few must-have AddOns. It features a simplified interface for buying and selling on the Auction House by adding two additional tabs to the default Auction House UI. See below for some demonstrations on just how simple buying and selling on the AH can be. While this AddOn is not the most powerful Auction House AddOn available, it trades complexity and feature redundancy for an extremely easy-to-use, powerful interface.
The current version is available for download at

AuctionLite – Buy Tab

WoWScrnShot_052310_121706The Buy Tab features a simple name search field and quantity box. The Buy Tab can be opened by using <Control> + Right Click on an item. Searching on AuctionLite organizes the results by item name on a single page with number of item listings, number of actual items,  market price, and historical price.
One of the biggest reasons to get AuctionLite is for the ability to buyout multiple auctions with a single click. Type in the quantity requested, search the Auction House, and approve the transaction.
The Buy Tab also features configurable Show Favorites and Show Deals scanning abilities hidden in the Advanced menu. While these features may be useful to some, I primarily enjoy AuctionLite for its simplicity in basic buying and selling.


AuctionLite – Sell Tab

Selling on AuctionLite is again simple and easy. Drag the item from your bag to the AuctionLite - Sell Tab (or <Alt> + Right Click the item). A new Auction House scan will take place searching for the item to sell (if the <Control> key is held while dragging an item the scan will be skipped). The item price is automatically calculated based on current and historical prices.  The automatic scanning and price calculation along with keyboard shortcuts make selling dozens of items a breeze.

AddOn Configuration

/auctionlite config opens the basic options available to configure the Buy and Sell tabs. Options to set the bid and buyout undercut prices and
vendor multipliers are present.
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