Mik’s Scrolling Battle Text (World of Warcraft AddOn)

Posted: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 | |
One of the best scrolling combat text replacement mods available is Mik’s Scrolling Battle Text (available at http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/mik-scrolling-battle-text.aspx).

It’s designed to be very lightweight and efficient and does a very good job at organizing incoming/outgoing damage, incoming/outgoing heals, spell cooldowns, and gained/lost buffs.

The goal for replacing the scrolling combat text is to reduce UI clutter and gain insight over damage and healing numbers. Some features that stand out:

  • MSBT combines multiple heal & damage numbers over a short period of time into cumulated totals
  • cooldown completion notifications with sound triggers
  • colors damage text according to damage type
  • advanced system for customizing battle text in special events
  • plethora of options for customizing the mod (more below)

AddOn Configuration

One of the most impressive “features” of Mik’s Scrolling Battle Text is the set of options to tweak how combat text is parsed – far beyond just how text is displayed. Almost every aspect of the scrolling combat text mod can be configured in some way.

Accessed through /msbt, the options include changing fonts, sounds, partial damage / damage color effects, scroll areas, events, triggers, damage/heal thresholds, cumulated hot and dot damage, throttle, merge and exclusion options, along with cooldown, loot and skill icon options. With lots of customization possibilities, plenty of time can be spent configuring MSBT to your needs.


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