Prayer of Mending Tracker (PoM Tracker)

Posted: Saturday, May 22, 2010 | | Labels: , ,

PoM Tracker 2.63 is a fairly simple AddOn for the World of Warcraft Priest class to keep track of their spell, Prayer of Mending. The AddOn is contained in a movable frame and tracks who currently has Prayer of Mending and how many charges are remaining. The middle AddOn frame shows the remaining charges to the left of who presently has the PoM buff. Underneath  the frame is the optionally shown Amount Healed counter. The small bar between the two is the time remaining countdown for the PoM buff.


PoM in Combat

Where to Download

The latest version of PoM Tracker is available at

AddOn Options

The AddOn options are limited and simple. Accessible through /pom options the following basic options are available to configure PoM Tracker.


  • Lock Position anchors the PoM Tracker title bar and window in place.
  • Fade when not active fades the tracker when PoM is not active.
  • Enable Sound enables a sound event when PoM fades from a target.
  • Reset Healing each cast resets the Amount Healed counter under the tracker window after a new PoM is cast.
  • Enable Healing Totals enables the Amount Healed counter frame underneath the PoM Tracker.
  • Enable Tier-7 bonus adds an additional 6th charge to the PoM tracker.



This relatively simple AddOn shows its usefulness in many situations. The handy buff expiration sound option makes tracking PoM easier. While not for everyone, I recommend giving the AddOn a try.





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