Looking for Dungeon Cooldown Tracker - LFDCooldown

Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 | | Labels: , 0 comments
WoWScrnShot_052610_174824This simple AddOn tracks the time remaining on your Random Dungeon cooldown, even if you left the dungeon early. The countdown frame disappears when the cooldown is up. Right click on the countdown frame to hide it. The command /lfdcd brings up the frame back if hidden. 

Configuring / Slash Commands

  • /lfdcd : Shows the timer (if still on CD)
  • /lfdcd hide : hides the timer
  • /lfdcd reset : resets position and test time
  • /lfdcd test nn : sets a test bar to nn seconds
  • /lfdcd scale nn : scales the window to nn (0.5 = half size)
Available at http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/lfdcooldown.aspx.
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Mik’s Scrolling Battle Text (World of Warcraft AddOn)

Posted: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 | | 0 comments
One of the best scrolling combat text replacement mods available is Mik’s Scrolling Battle Text (available at http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/mik-scrolling-battle-text.aspx).

It’s designed to be very lightweight and efficient and does a very good job at organizing incoming/outgoing damage, incoming/outgoing heals, spell cooldowns, and gained/lost buffs.

The goal for replacing the scrolling combat text is to reduce UI clutter and gain insight over damage and healing numbers. Some features that stand out:

  • MSBT combines multiple heal & damage numbers over a short period of time into cumulated totals
  • cooldown completion notifications with sound triggers
  • colors damage text according to damage type
  • advanced system for customizing battle text in special events
  • plethora of options for customizing the mod (more below)

AddOn Configuration

One of the most impressive “features” of Mik’s Scrolling Battle Text is the set of options to tweak how combat text is parsed – far beyond just how text is displayed. Almost every aspect of the scrolling combat text mod can be configured in some way.

Accessed through /msbt, the options include changing fonts, sounds, partial damage / damage color effects, scroll areas, events, triggers, damage/heal thresholds, cumulated hot and dot damage, throttle, merge and exclusion options, along with cooldown, loot and skill icon options. With lots of customization possibilities, plenty of time can be spent configuring MSBT to your needs.

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Bagnon – World of Warcraft Bag Replacement AddOn

Posted: Monday, May 24, 2010 | | Labels: , 0 comments

WoWScrnShot_052410_131836World of Warcraft’s default inventory management features are limited in scope which leaves much to be desired. While many bag/inventory replacement AddOns are available, many fall short when performing the basics of an inventory replacement AddOn. I have found that Bagnon excels at the basic requirements of inventory management by providing a great all-in-one inventory bag and offering a complex but easy-to-use search feature.

Inventory Search

Search really sets this AddOn apart from the other bag/inventory AddOns. A complex search language is included for finding items in inventory.

As of version 2.13.2b search supports the following commands:

  • item name search – start typing the name of an item
  • t: item type or location (t:weapon, t:armor, t:legs, t:finger, etc)
  • q: item quality (q:epic, q:superior, etc)
  • s: equipment manager item set (s:pvp, s:pve, etc)
  • keyword search – specific keywords are supported (boe, boa, bop, and quest)
  • ! - exclude results (include to find items not matching the search term)
  • & – AND search term (search must match both statements ex. t:weapon & q:epic)
  • | – OR search term (search must match either statements ex. q:epic | q:superior)

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AddOn Configuration

A limited number of options are available for configuring the AddOn. I found the AddOn does not need any configuring out of the box to offer a great experience.WoWScrnShot_052410_131701 WoWScrnShot_052410_131703

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AuctionLite (World of Warcraft Auction House Addon)

Posted: Sunday, May 23, 2010 | | Labels: , , 0 comments
AuctionLite is one of the few must-have AddOns. It features a simplified interface for buying and selling on the Auction House by adding two additional tabs to the default Auction House UI. See below for some demonstrations on just how simple buying and selling on the AH can be. While this AddOn is not the most powerful Auction House AddOn available, it trades complexity and feature redundancy for an extremely easy-to-use, powerful interface.
The current version is available for download at http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/auctionlite.aspx.

AuctionLite – Buy Tab

WoWScrnShot_052310_121706The Buy Tab features a simple name search field and quantity box. The Buy Tab can be opened by using <Control> + Right Click on an item. Searching on AuctionLite organizes the results by item name on a single page with number of item listings, number of actual items,  market price, and historical price.
One of the biggest reasons to get AuctionLite is for the ability to buyout multiple auctions with a single click. Type in the quantity requested, search the Auction House, and approve the transaction.
The Buy Tab also features configurable Show Favorites and Show Deals scanning abilities hidden in the Advanced menu. While these features may be useful to some, I primarily enjoy AuctionLite for its simplicity in basic buying and selling.


AuctionLite – Sell Tab

Selling on AuctionLite is again simple and easy. Drag the item from your bag to the AuctionLite - Sell Tab (or <Alt> + Right Click the item). A new Auction House scan will take place searching for the item to sell (if the <Control> key is held while dragging an item the scan will be skipped). The item price is automatically calculated based on current and historical prices.  The automatic scanning and price calculation along with keyboard shortcuts make selling dozens of items a breeze.

AddOn Configuration

/auctionlite config opens the basic options available to configure the Buy and Sell tabs. Options to set the bid and buyout undercut prices and
vendor multipliers are present.
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Prayer of Mending Tracker (PoM Tracker)

Posted: Saturday, May 22, 2010 | | Labels: , , 0 comments

PoM Tracker 2.63 is a fairly simple AddOn for the World of Warcraft Priest class to keep track of their spell, Prayer of Mending. The AddOn is contained in a movable frame and tracks who currently has Prayer of Mending and how many charges are remaining. The middle AddOn frame shows the remaining charges to the left of who presently has the PoM buff. Underneath  the frame is the optionally shown Amount Healed counter. The small bar between the two is the time remaining countdown for the PoM buff.


PoM in Combat

Where to Download

The latest version of PoM Tracker is available at http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/prayer-of-mending-tracker.aspx.

AddOn Options

The AddOn options are limited and simple. Accessible through /pom options the following basic options are available to configure PoM Tracker.


  • Lock Position anchors the PoM Tracker title bar and window in place.
  • Fade when not active fades the tracker when PoM is not active.
  • Enable Sound enables a sound event when PoM fades from a target.
  • Reset Healing each cast resets the Amount Healed counter under the tracker window after a new PoM is cast.
  • Enable Healing Totals enables the Amount Healed counter frame underneath the PoM Tracker.
  • Enable Tier-7 bonus adds an additional 6th charge to the PoM tracker.



This relatively simple AddOn shows its usefulness in many situations. The handy buff expiration sound option makes tracking PoM easier. While not for everyone, I recommend giving the AddOn a try.




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Serious Help in Timing (WoW Addon)

Posted: Friday, May 21, 2010 | | Labels: , , 0 comments
Serious Help in Timing is an essential WoW AddOn for any level 80 Retribution Paladin. The AddOn provides a recommendation for the next ability to use in a FCFS (First-come, first-served) rotation. FCFS involves using abilities that are off cooldown rather than wait (even a second) for a certain skill to be ready. If more than one skill is off cooldown, a prioritized list is used. This is where Serious Help in Timing comes in handy. Credit goes to Lucral for finding this AddOn and recommending it to me.

Download and Setup

Serious Help in Timing is available on Curse at http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/serious-help-timing.aspx. The addon hasn’t been updated since August 15 2009 but works perfectly fine as of patch 3.3.2. Remember to Load out of date AddOns in the AddOn menu at the character selection screen. Once the AddOn is loaded, it should display an empty darkened frame as shown below. Also, the AddOn won’t load unless you’re playing a Paladin.


Once the AddOn is loaded, you must configure a rotation priority list. Type /serioushelp to bring up the AddOn configuration screen. Expand the AddOn’s options to bring up the Spell Priorities subsection.

In this panel, you must setup a Spell Priority list. A good resource to follow is The Basic Rotation on Elitist Jerks. (http://elitistjerks.com/f76/t68951-retribution_updated_3_3_a/#The_Basic_Rotation__)
As of patch 3.3.2, Serious Help in Timing’s spell priority list should look something like this:
Basic rotation: Hammer of Wrath > Judgement > Crusader Strike > Divine Storm > Consecration > Exorcism

Tier piece set bonuses that affect rotation:
Tier 9 (2): Judgement > Hammer of Wrath > Crusader Strike > Divine Storm > Consecrate > Exorcism
Tier 9 (2) & Tier 10 (2): Judgement > Divine Storm > Hammer of Wrath > Crusader Strike > Consecrate > Exorcism
Tier 10 (4): Judgement > Divine Storm > Crusader Strike > Hammer of Wrath > Consecrate > Exorcism

Serious Help in Timing in Action

The frame contains three icons. The left icon is the cooldown for Avenging Wrath. The large middle icon displays the recommended ability to use. The right icon is the upcoming ability. Additionally, the AddOn can be setup with out of range support (red icon).

(Example of Serious Help in Timing in combat)

(Example of all abilities on cooldown)


As with all AddOns of this type, Serious Help in Timing can only provide recommendations for abilities to use. There is no interaction with the icons displayed. Additionally, it doesn’t support Holy Wrath in a FCFS rotation. Other classes may wish to have this type of functionality also but are presently out of luck as this only supports Paladins.

Overall, Serious Help in Timing is a great AddOn for Ret with extra options that are useful for both raiding and PvP.
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